Whatever it is that the GB need to further their paradise fraud, they find a scripture or two and say that their thoughts are what Jehovah wants. . . and the lowly-worm JWs buy it! And what does the GB want: to have an uncomplaining and compliant workforce who don't need to be paid.
The governing body are cunning little scripture twisters bending the Bible round to their own vision.
Indeed Listener, efficiency and ability are not related directly to humility. However it is not the inclination of uneducated slaves to seek out efficient working methods.
I assume the reason for the Watchtower mentioning this is because 1 it has been pointed out how grossly inefficient preaching has become (what up to 15,000 preaching hours spent to gain one new recruit -- and most of them are the children of JWs to start with!) and 2 that the religion is attracting a diminishing number of people with "ability"? The latter being inevitable when the official JW line is "don't get an education".